Preventive Care for Fleas and Ticks Tips for Pet Owners

Fleas and ticks are common parasites that use animals as hosts to feed off their blood. While in most cases these pests are nothing more than a nuisance and can be gotten rid of fairly easily, sometimes they can cause serious issues. Fleas can cause an allergic reaction in both pets and humans, leading pets to develop tapeworms, anemia, skin infections, and, in rare cases, typhus. Ticks are just as bad, causing diseases like Lyme and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever.

Luckily, these issues can almost always be avoided with proper preventative care. At Southwest Veterinary Hospital located in Littleton, we care for our patients and their pet parents. That's why we have created a handy list of tips to prevent fleas and ticks in your pet. We invite you to partner with our animal hospital to help ensure your pet lives its best life!

1. An Ounce of Prevention With Medication

We all know the saying - because it's true. Quite literally, an ounce (maybe two) of topical or oral medication for flea and tick prevention (when done on a regular schedule) is one of the best methods to keep these pests at bay. Add on a flea collar and regular bathing with medicated shampoo, and your pet will definitely stay free of fleas and ticks.

2. Clean House (Inside and Out)

Not that you don't clean regularly, but during flea and tick season it's even more important because even one or two stray bugs can lead to an infestation. Wash your pets' bedding weekly. Vacuum the carpets, furniture, and curtains as well. Then dispose of the bag or container contents immediately. Keep your yard mowed, trimmed, and raked. Don't let debris pile up, especially woodpiles.

3. Grooming and Inspections

It's vital to check your pet for ticks after they've been outside. Regular combing and brushing will also help alert you to fleas, either by seeing the actual bug or the tiny specks of “dirt” it leaves on your pet.

4. Regular Vet Exams

Fleas and ticks can easily be found by your veterinarian during an exam. They can properly remove ticks and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Contact Southwest Veterinary Hospital

If you're in the Littleton area and are looking for a veterinarian near you to assist with pet parasite control or any other issues, give Southwest Veterinary Hospital a call. One of our friendly staff members will be delighted to assist you.


Office Hours - Monday Through Friday, We Close For The Lunch Hour From 12:30 To 1:30 PM.

On the second Friday of each month, we close from noon to 2 PM for our staff meeting.


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7:30 am - 6:00 pm