Spay & Neuter FAQs

At Southwest Veterinary Hospital PC in Littleton, CO, we receive so many questions about pets, but the most frequent ones have to do with neutering and spaying. What is neutering or spaying? Is it safe? If you are interested in this topic, we have prepared a FAQs section to shed more light on spaying and neutering.

Spay & Neuter FAQs

What Is Spaying and Neutering?

Both procedures refer to pet sterilization. Spaying is a surgical procedure to remove the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries for female pets. Neutering simply refers to castration, where the veterinarian removes the testicles to avoid reproduction.

Is Spaying and Neutering Safe?

Spaying and neutering are routine procedures done in our animal hospital. Before the procedure, we examine your dog or cat to see whether they are fit for the surgery. Rarely does spaying or neutering lead to severe side effects.

When Should I Spay or Neuter My Pets?

With the notable exception of Golden Retrievers and Rottweilers, it is advisable to “fix” your pets before their first heat cycle. In fact, you can sterilize your pets when they are as young as 8 weeks. Sterilize your pets when young to avoid the risk of reproductive cancers.

What Are the Benefits of Spaying and Neutering?

Having second thoughts about “fixing” your pets? The procedure yields many benefits, including:

  • Medical benefits: The chances of reproductive cancers are minimized when your cat or dog is spayed or neutered. The risks of infections are reduced because your pet doesn’t roam to look for mating partners.
  • Behavioral benefits: Sterilizing your pet leads to improved behavior. When your pets are in heat, they exhibit numerous undesirable behaviors, including yowling, aggressiveness, escaping home to look for mating partners, and spraying to mark territories. However, when your pet is “fixed,” it is less likely to show breeding-related behavior.
  • Control population: Each year, millions of cats are euthanized in the US because they don’t have homes to keep them. If you don’t want an unwanted litter that will end up in a shelter, consider spaying or neutering your pet.
  • Can save cost: You may not have thought about it, but spaying or neutering your pets can save you significant expenses down the road. The cost of treating reproductive cancers and uterine infections is quite high.

Looking for spaying and neutering services in Littleton, CO? Book an appointment with Southwest Veterinary Hospital PC. Our veterinary team can help you achieve your health goals for your pet. Call us at (303) 794-2697


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