
Your pet's health is important, and this certainly includes their dental health. Having a problem with dental health can cause your pet to have health problems elsewhere as well. It is usually recommended that pets have their teeth and gums examined once a year so that the veterinarian can see whether there are any problems in your pet's mouth. They can also give you advice about how to keep your pet's mouth healthier. When you need preventive care for dental problems or a pet dental appointment, call our Littleton, CO, office to schedule your pet's time with the veterinarian. We at Southwest Veterinary Hospital, PC are here to help.


What Is Pet Dentistry?

Dentistry from a vet includes a comprehensive oral exam, full mouth radiographs, cleaning a pet's teeth, removing infected teeth, and possibly advanced procedures to preserve teeth. A veterinarian on our team can handle these tasks so that your pet gets the important dental care they need.

Pet Dental Exam

When your pet has a dental exam, there are many things that a veterinarian on our team will be looking for. The vet might take note of any bad breath that your pet has, as this can indicate an infection. She might look for teeth that are loose or broken, any extra teeth, tartar-covered teeth, teeth that have become discolored, swelling around the mouth, bleeding that comes from the mouth, etc. At home, you should take note if your pet starts chewing differently, drools a lot, drops a lot of food, stops wanting to eat, seems to have any pain in the mouth or around it, and any other changes. These can indicate that your pet has dental problems. 

There are a number of problems that pets can have with their teeth and gums, including broken teeth, periodontal disease, tumors or cysts, infected teeth, abscesses, misalignment of the teeth, and more. A thorough exam of the teeth may be needed to diagnose any problems that could be affecting your pet's life and well-being. 

Get Dental and Preventive Care

Some veterinarians recommend that you brush your pet's teeth regularly with a pet toothbrush and toothpaste especially designed for pets. For both preventive care and treatments for dental problems, call our Littleton, CO, office to schedule a health exam for your pet. We at Southwest Veterinary Hospital, PC are here to help. Call us at (303) 794-2697.


Office Hours - Monday Through Friday, We Close For The Lunch Hour From 12:30 To 1:30 PM.

On the second Friday of each month, we close from noon to 2 PM for our staff meeting.


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


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7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm