Veterinary Pet Boarding Services in Littleton

People schedule multi-day travels for all sorts of reasons, from squeezing in some much-needed vacation time to undergoing medical treatment or attending to business matters. Inevitably, there will be times when you're unable to bring your beloved pet along with you. Before you automatically ask your friend or next-door neighbor to "solve" the problem by looking after your pet for a few minutes per day, give serious thought to the important benefits of veterinary pet boarding here at Southwest Veterinary Hospital, PC in Littleton, CO.


Why Go with Veterinary Pet Boarding?

While casual feedings and isolated moments of playtime might be all that some pets need, others require more comprehensive care and supervision in their owner's absence. For instance, older pets and animals who suffer from chronic health conditions may need daily doses of medication and/or close monitoring in case their health suffers a sudden reversal. Even a totally healthy-seeming pet can experience an accident or unexpected health event that calls for a veterinarian. If your pet goes unsupervised for most of the day, he may not get that help in time.

Pets left alone for long periods can also suffer from emotional trauma if they're used to constant human companionship. In a common disorder known as separation anxiety, some pets get so agitated that they destroy household furnishings, dig holes in carpeting, or even try to run away at the first opportunity. These pets need to be around both qualified human attendants and other animals who can keep them company.

We Keep Your Pet Safe, Happy, and Healthy while You're Away

Southwest Veterinary Hospital, PC can give you the pet the care he needs. Our trained staff can administer medication and wellness care like clockwork, while any veterinarian on our team can diagnose and treat any health issues that might come up, including the need for emergency treatment. Our boarding facility also offers a secure, comfortable environment, with healthy meals and clean bedding for all our guests. Your pet will also appreciate the affection he receives from our compassionate caregivers. Meanwhile, you can focus on your out-of-town activity without constantly worrying about your pet's well-being.

Schedule Pet Boarding at Our Littleton, CO Location

You'll want to schedule pet boarding at our Littleton, CO location as far in advance as reasonably possible. Not only do we have a limited number of accommodations, but we may need to administer vaccinations or other health procedures before your pet's stay. Call us today at (303) 794-2697!


Office Hours - Monday Through Friday, We Close For The Lunch Hour From 12:30 To 1:30 PM.

On the second Friday of each month, we close from noon to 2 PM for our staff meeting.


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm


7:30 am - 6:00 pm





7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm
7:30 am - 6:00 pm