Heartworm Testing

Heartworm is a dangerous parasite that affects pets. The parasite is typically transmitted through mosquito bites. At Southwest Veterinary Hospital PC in Littleton, we offer heartworm testing for pets. We believe that heartworm prevention is one of the most crucial aspects of pet care. Heartworm infestations can lead to severe illness and even death. Our veterinarian is here to educate you about the heartworm parasite and how you can protect your pet from it. 

Heartworm Testing

Why Heartworm Testing Is Important

Heartworm testing is very crucial. Early detection provides an opportunity to prevent ongoing lung damage as well as the potential of spread to other pets.  

What Heartworms Do to Dogs and Cats

Heartworms live in the hearts, lungs, and connective blood vessels of pets. They can mature, produce offspring and increase in numbers causing damage to the arteries, lungs, and heart. Treatment medication is only available for dogs. For cats, only preventative medicine is available. Heartworm infection in cats may go undetected until it results in sudden death.

Symptoms of Heartworm Infestation 

In the initial stages, heartworms cause no symptoms. As the condition advances, heartworms can cause exercise intolerance, trouble breathing, coughing, and abnormal sounds from the heart and lungs. The affected pet might also have a rapid heartbeat, anemia, fainting spells, and high blood pressure. 

How Are Heartworms Prevented

It's possible to prevent heartworms in your pet by administering preventative medication. There are several preventative products available, and our veterinarian will assess your pet's condition to determine the most effective preventative measures. Aside from medication, try to limit your pet's exposure to mosquitoes. 

How Are Heartworms Treated

After a pet has been diagnosed with heartworms, our veterinarian will determine whether or not your pet is stable enough to receive treatment. If your pet is stable, it will receive a series of injections to kill adult heartworms. Your pet will need ample rest following treatment, so be sure to set up a comfortable area for it to relax. 

Contact Our Animal Hospital in Littleton for Heartworm Prevention 

At Southwest Veterinary Hospital, PC, we have been providing pet owners in Littleton with heartworm testing and prevention services for many years. Call us today at (303) 794-2697 for more information on heartworm disease or to schedule an appointment with our veterinarian. 


Office Hours - Monday Through Friday, We Close For The Lunch Hour From 12:30 To 1:30 PM.

On the second Friday of each month, we close from noon to 2 PM for our staff meeting.


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